Demographics Tab

The Demographics section in Kommon Poll provides insights into the geographical distribution and sentiment of mentions related to your brand or topic. This guide will help you navigate the section and understand the data presented.

  1. Heatmap Selector – This dropdown allows you to select between the mention count heatmap (default) and the polarity heatmap
  2. Mention Heatmap – This heatmap shows where mentions are occurring geographically. The intensity of the colors indicates the concentration of mentions. Use this to identify key regions where your brand or topic is being discussed.
  3. Polarity Heatmap – This heatmap displays the sentiment polarity across different regions. Positive and negative sentiments are visualized through color gradients. Helps in understanding regional sentiment trends. Red is negative and green is positive. Neutral sections will have a brown hue.
  4. Sentiment Weightage – The Section can be filtered using the options “Absolute,” “Weighted by Influence,” and “Weighted by Reach” to analyze the data from different perspectives.
  5. Absolute – Uses the unweighted average of sentiments. This affects the entire demographics section.
  6. Weighted by Influence – Uses the weighted average of sentiments based on influence. This affects the entire demographics section.
  7. Weighted by Reach – Uses the weighted average of sentiments based on reach. This affects the entire demographics section.
  8. Country of Mention Doughnut Chart – This chart shows the percentage distribution of mentions across different countries. Quickly identifies which countries are most engaged with your brand or topic. Hover over each segment to see the exact percentage of mentions from each country. By comparing the size of different segments, users can easily identify countries or regions with higher mention volumes.
  9. Bar Chart of Sentiment by Country – This bar chart breaks down the sentiment (positive or negative) by country. Provides a detailed view of how each country perceives your brand or topic. Each bar represents the sentiment (positive or negative) for a specific country, providing a clear comparison.

Nationalities The Nationalities section in Kommon Poll provides a breakdown of the nationalities mentioned in your data. This section helps you understand the geographic distribution of your audience.

Nationalities #

  1. Pie Chart – Displays the percentage distribution of mentions across different nationalities. Provides a quick visual representation of the predominant nationalities in the mentions.
  2. Nationality Labels – Lists the different nationalities included in the analysis.
  3. Percentage – Values Show the percentage distribution of mentions for each nationality in the pie chart.
  4. Bar Chart – Shows the sentiment of mentions for each nationality.
  5. Bar lengths – Represent the sentiment of mentions for each nationality in the bar chart.

Languages #

  1. Pie Chart – The pie chart displays the percentage distribution of mentions across different languages. Provides a quick visual representation of the predominant languages in the mentions.
  2. Bar Chart – The bar chart illustrates the distribution of sentiment of mentions across different languages, providing a detailed comparison of how sentiment each language is associated with various sentiments.

Business vs Individual #

  1.  Pie Chart The pie chart displays the percentage distribution of mentions attributed to businesses versus individuals. Provides a visual representation of the proportion of business-based mentions compared to individual mentions.
  2. Bar Chart The bar chart shows the relative sentiment of mentions from businesses and individuals.

Population Data #

  1. Percentages – Show the percentage distribution of males and females within each age group.
  2.  Total Count – Displays the total number of mentions available for analysis.
  3. Y-Axis – Displays different age groups (18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+).
  4.  X-Axis – Represents the number of people in each age group for each gender.
  5. Bars – Represent the number of males (blue) and females (pink) in each age group. A longer bar indicates a higher number of individuals in that gender category within the specific age group.

Education, Job & Income Sections #

Education Distribution The Education Distribution section in Demographics Tab  provides a visual representation of the educational qualifications of the authors mentioned in your data. This section helps you understand the educational background of your audience.

  1. Educational Background Chart –  left chart shows the distribution of educational qualifications among the authors. A longer bar indicates a higher percentage of authors with that specific qualification.
  2. Sentiment by Education Chart –  The right chart reveals how sentiment is distributed across different educational levels. The length of the bars indicates the percentage of authors expressing a sentiment within each educational category.
  3. Y-Axis – Represents the percentage of authors on the left chart and sentiment distribution on the right chart.
  4. X-Axis – Represents the different educational qualification categories (Secondary, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate).
  5. Bars – The length of the bars in the left chart corresponds to the percentage of authors with each educational qualification. The bars in the right chart indicate the percentage of authors expressing a sentiment within each educational category.

The Job Types section in the Kommon Poll provides insights into the professional roles of the individuals mentioned in your data. This section helps you understand the occupational distribution of your audience and their sentiment towards different topics.

  1. Percentage Chart – Illustrates the distribution of job types, displaying the percentage of individuals in different professions such as engineers, managers, accountants, and more. Each bar represents a specific job type, and the length of the bar corresponds to the percentage of individuals in that profession.
  2. Bar chart – Illustrates sentiment distribution across various job types. Each bar length corresponds to the percentage of individuals in a specific profession expressing a particular sentiment. This visualization offers insights into sentiment distribution across different professions.
  3. Job Type Labels – Lists the different job types included in the analysis.
  4. Sentiment – This visualization offers insights into sentiment distribution across different professions.

The Income Distribution section in Kommon Poll provides a visual representation of the income levels of the individuals mentioned in your data. This section helps you understand the income distribution of your audience.

  1. Pie Chart – Displays the percentage distribution of individuals across different income categories. Provides a quick visual representation of the proportion of individuals in each income bracket.
  2. Percentage – Values Show the percentage distribution of individuals for each income category in the pie chart.
  3. X-Axis – Represents the different income categories (High, Upper-Middle, Lower-Middle).
  4. Y-Axis – Reflects the sentiment within each income category.
  5. Bars – The length of the bars corresponds to the percentage of individuals in each income category.

The Job Rank section in the Kommon Poll Demographics tab provides insights into the professional roles of the individuals mentioned in your data. This section helps you understand the hierarchical distribution of your audience within their organizations.

  1. Pie Chart – Visually represents the distribution of job ranks, displaying the proportion of individuals in different levels such as junior, mid-level, and senior positions. Each slice of the pie chart corresponds to a specific job rank, and its size represents the percentage of individuals in that rank.
  2. Job Rank – Labels Identifies the different job ranks included in the analysis (e.g., Junior, Mid-Level, Senior).
  3. Percentage Values – Show the percentage distribution of individuals for each job rank category within the pie chart.
  4. Bar chart – The bar chart in the Kommon Poll Job Rank section provides a visual representation of the distribution of job ranks among the individuals mentioned in your data.
  5. X-axis – Represents the job rank categories (e.g., Junior, Mid-Level, Senior).
  6.  Y-axis – Represents the percentage of individuals holding each job rank.
  7. Bars – Rectangular bars whose height corresponds to the percentage of individuals in each job rank category.

What are your feelings
Updated on November 25, 2024