Building a New Search

  1. Creating New Search – Click the large “BUILD A SEARCH” button in the center to start a new social listening project.Build a Search After clicking “Build a Search,” you will see a welcome message guiding you through the setup process. 
  1. “Get started”  – The first step is to link your social media accounts.Click on the “Get started ” button to start linking your accounts.
  1. Social Tracking After linking your social media accounts, navigate to the “Social Tracking” section.
  2. Facebook User Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Facebook page URL
  3. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the page.
  4. Facebook group Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Facebook Group URL here. ”Copy the URL of the Facebook group  you want to track and paste it into this field.
  5. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the page.
  6. Hashtag Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Facebook Hashtag here. ”Enter the hashtag you want to track on Facebook.
  7. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the page.

Multiple Accounts You can track multiple Facebook pages and hashtags by repeating the above steps for each one.After tracking one account or hashtag, you can return to this screen to add more.

  1. Instagram Hashtag Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Instagram Hashtag here. “Enter the Instagram hashtag(s) you want to track.
  2. Track Click the Track button to start tracking posts associated with the specified hashtags.
  3. Instagram User ID Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Instagram User ID here. “Enter the Instagram user ID(s) you want to track. Multiple user IDs can be entered and will appear as a list below the input field.
  4. Track Click the Track button to begin tracking posts made by these users.
  5. Instagram Location URL Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste Instagram location URL here.”Enter the Instagram location URL(s) you want to track.
  6. Track Click the Track button to start tracking posts associated with the specified location URLs.
  1. TikTok Hashtag Tracking Locate the input field labeled “Paste TikTok Hashtag here.” Enter the hashtag you want to track on TikTok.
  2. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the hashtag.
  3. TikTok User ID Locate the input field labeled “Paste TikTok User ID here. ”Enter the TikTok user ID you want to track.
  4. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the user.

  1. Track Google Review Locate the input field labeled “Paste Google Review URL  here. ”Copy the unique identifier (URL) of the Google Review you wish to track.Paste this identifier into the provided input field.
  2. Track Click the blue “Track” button next to the input field to start tracking the Telegram channel.

What are your feelings
Updated on December 9, 2024