Competitors Tab

The Competitor section in the Kommon Poll dashboard provides insights into the online performance of your competitors. It allows you to track key metrics, compare performance, and identify potential opportunities.

  1.  Mention Count – The total number of mentions for the selected competitor.
  2. Influence Score – A metric indicating the potential impact or reach of the competitor’s mentions.
  3. Social Reach – The estimated audience exposed to the competitor’s mentions.
  4. Interactions – The number of engagements (likes, shares, comments) generated by the competitor’s mentions.
  5. Polarity – The overall sentiment associated with the competitor’s mentions (positive, negative, neutral).
  1. Social Reach and Influence Score Charts – Visual representations of the competitor’s social reach and influence score .

  1. Bubble Chart – The Kommon Poll competitor sentiment analysis tool provides insights into the sentiment surrounding your competitors. It visualizes the sentiment distribution using a bubble chart, allowing you to compare competitors based on their perceived sentiment.
  2. Sentiment Categories – The bubble chart is divided into three sections: Negative, Neutral, and Positive.
  3. Bubble Size – The size of each bubble  represents the proportion of sentiment within that category for the selected competitor.
  4. Data Point Information – A tooltip displayed when hovering over a bubble, providing specific details about the sentiment data.
  5. Polarity – The polarity score reflects the overall sentiment of the mentions, ranging from -1 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive).
  6. Subjectivity – The subjectivity score indicates the degree of opinion or emotion expressed in the mentions, ranging from 0 (objective) to 1 (subjective).
  7. Mention Count Chart – The chart visualizes the distribution of mentions across different social media platforms for a selected competitor. It provides insights into the platform preference of the audience engaging with the competitor. Position your mouse cursor over the specific bar on the chart that you want to explore. As you hover over the bar, a black pointer will appear, and a tooltip will display additional information.
  8.  X-axis – Represents the different social media platforms (Facebook, Google Reviews, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Web, YouTube).
  9. Y-axis – Represents the number of mentions on each platform.
  10. Bars – Each bar corresponds to a specific platform and its height indicates the number of mentions on that platform.
  11. Color Coding – Each platform is represented by a distinct color for easy identification.

What are your feelings
Updated on November 25, 2024