- Saved Tab This tab displays all the searches you have personally saved.Click on the “Saved” tab to see a list of your saved searches.
- Title: The name you assigned to each saved search.
- Created: The date when the search was created.
- Last Viewed: The last time you accessed this search.
- All The “All” tab displays all saved, non-saved, and ad hoc searches within your team. Click on the “All” tab to view a comprehensive list of these searches.
- Team This tab displays searches saved by your team members.Click on the “Team” tab to see searches saved by your team.
- User: This column lists the email addresses of the users who created or saved the search. It may also display an avatar or profile picture of the Brand.
- Title: The title column displays the name or description given to the saved search, helping you quickly identify the search’s purpose or focus.
- Created Time: This column indicates when the search was initially created.
- Last Viewed: Shows the last time the search was accessed. This helps track when a search was last used or updated.
- Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top to quickly find a specific saved search by typing in keywords.
- Sorting Click on the column headers (Title, Created, Last Viewed) to sort the saved searches accordingly.
- Results Per Page Adjust the number of results displayed per page using the dropdown menu labeled “Results per page.”